suicide note and denied any involvement in killing her father mike wallace and stepfather david castor. i was always skeptical. i didn t know exactly what happened. i didn t know what to believe really. prosecutors felt that whoever typed the note was also the person that poisoned the two husbands. to find out who typed the suicide note, investigators confiscated the castor family s computer and sent it to computer evidence specialist francis bracken. the first thing he noticed was that the document was created in microsoft word which has a feature most people don t know about. . if you 0 open a document, type in it, even if you don t save it as a document, the program itself auto saves it for you in the background and it gives it an unusual name that you would never recognize. interestingly only one person in the family used microsoft word. microsoft word had never been used on the ashley wallace
account, but it had been used on the stacey castor account. bracken found evidence there were numerous drafts of the suicide note which the writer made a point of not saving, but fragments of the final note still on the computer s hard drive were timestamped. the timestamps automatically registered by the computer showed ashley could not be the writer. i was able to determine that microsoft word was not used after 2:27 p.m. on 9/12, the very same day which, therefore, shows that ashley wallace couldn t have written the notes, because she was in school the entire day. the final clue was in the note. stacey let something slip. the cops said there was
ashley denied writing any suicide note and denied any involvement in killing her father mike wallace and stepfather david castor. i was always skeptical. i didn t know exactly what happened. i didn t know what to believe really. prosecutors felt that whoever typed the note was also the person that poisoned the two husbands. to find out who typed the suicide note, investigators confiscated the castor family s computer and sent it to computer evidence specialist francis bracken. the first thing he noticed was that the document was created in microsoft word which has a feature most people don t know about. if you 0 open a document, type in it, even if you don t save it as a document, the program itself auto saves it for you in the background and it gives it an unusual name that you would never recognize.
interestingly only one person in the family used microsoft word. microsoft word had never been used on the ashley wallace account, but it had been used on the stacey castor account. bracken found evidence there were numerous drafts of the suicide note which the writer made a point of not saving, but fragments of the final note still on the computer s hard drive were timestamped. the timestamps automatically registered by the computer showed ashley could not be the writer. i was able to determine that microsoft word was not used after 2:27 p.m. on 9/12, the very same day which, therefore, shows that ashley wallace couldn t have written the notes, because she was in school the entire day. the final clue was in the note.