The Left-Green Alliance (AVS) on Friday said they would table a formal question for Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi after a group of southern mayors protesting the government's plans for 'differentiated autonomy' that would allegedly widen the north-so. (ANSA)
Animal rights campaigners have renewed calls to ban the use of wild animals in circuses in Italy following the escape of a lion from a circus near Rome.
Minister László Palkovics is trying to distance himself from Viktor Orbán January 16, 2021 3:13 pm·
Just as expected, politicians from Viktor Orbán’s inner circle have started to distance themselves from the authoritarian Prime Minister. Orbán’s grip on power is a bit shaken.
According to Hungarian media sources, László Palkovics, Hungary’s Minister of Innovation and Technology attempted to leave the government but Orbán repeatedly refused to accept his resignation.
Now Palkovics has made an unusual statement. He denied his resignation attempts and claimed that he is a “disciplined fighter” and plans to carry out his 4-year commitment to the government. He will stay on for the rest of the year, his tenure will expire early next year. Don’t hold your breath.