Researchers Cassandra Quave (00C) and Caitlin Risener (24G) were able to not only discover the wonders of nature, but also harness them to tackle one of the biggest challenges facing the planet: COVID-19 and its emerging variants.
Baricitinib, a repurposed drug that was first used against COVID-19 in the United States by Emory researchers is emerging as a major option for treatment of hospitalized patients needing respiratory support.
Beck appointed to named chairmanship
Allen D. Beck, director and chair of Emory Eye Center, has been appointed the F. Phinizy Calhoun, Sr. Chair in Ophthalmology. Beck joined the glaucoma section of Emory Eye Center in 1994 and was named director of glaucoma services in 1999. He was named interim director and chair of Emory Eye Center in 2016 and was appointed chair in 2019.
Eckert honored for recent book on West Germany
Astrid M. Eckert’s new book “West Germany and the Iron Curtain: Environment, Economy and Culture in the Borderlands” has won several recent honors. These include the Hans Rosenberg Book Prize, awarded by the Central European History Society for the best book in the field published by a North American resident in 2019; the 2020 German Academic Exchange Service/German Studies Association (DAAD/GSA) Book Prize for the best book in history or social sciences; and the 2020 Smith Award by the European History Section of the Southern Historical Association for t