Sister Frances Hoffman is celebrating her 60th Jubilee, the anniversary of her profession as Racine Dominican Sister. In late June, the Racine Dominican community celebrated S. Frances along with 12
Belfast School District
Annual $76,332 levy for the Belfast Public Library: Passed 76-27
Board member elected (1): Randa Harrington
(Vote totals not released)
Bolivar-Richburg School District
Bus proposition: Passed 104-12
Board members elected (two): Michelle Clark (101 votes) and Erin Baldwin (77 votes) were elected.
Other candidates: Michelle Robinson (40)
Canaseraga School District
Library proposition: Passed 43-18
Cuba-Rushford School District
Rushford Library proposition: Passed 148-6
Cuba Circulating Library proposition: Passed 149-5
Bus proposition: Passed 143-11
Dansville School District
Bus proposition: Passed 252-109
Other candidates: Amy Schiavi (165), Nikole E. Berry (161), Lisa Henderson (125)
Fillmore School District
Bus proposition: Passed 75-8
Board members elected (1): Faith Roeske (69 votes) and two write-in votes.