night. reporter: but maybe an overly festive night. fran woke up sunday, sick as a dog. matt attended to her. he gave me a hot bath, brought me tea and a thermometer. reporter: he kind of showed you a tender side, huh? yeah. reporter: then matt, still playing nurse maid, phoned his mom. he goes, is there anything else i should be doing? no, it sounds like you were doing everything, matt. reporter: there were plans for a backyard barbecue later that afternoon for his parents. it would be a chance for fran to get to know matt s sister s boyfriend. he says, okay. he says, she s going to take a little nap. and then when she wakes up, we ll come over. and i told him told him like i tell all of my kids, i said, i love you, matt. and he said, i love you too, mom. reporter: matt offered to make a fast food run so fran would have something in her stomach, but she was
folding chairs and heavy metal. yeah, we don t belong here. not at all. reporter: the reviews were mixed. but, like most basement bands, they had dreams. we were just trying to write enough to get an album done. reporter: what was very fresh in matt s life was his first serious girlfriend, francesca, a waitress, and like matt, a lover of all things rock. the doors, the rolling stones, things like that. reporter: geyser rock? classic rock. reporter: music and movies. they devoured dvds, watching them over at friends house. matt was the shy one. his girlfriend had to take the amorous initiative. i just kept inviting him over and he kept coming and one day he was like, i might have to stay here. and i m like that s okay. reporter: doreen, did you know he had found a serious girlfriend? yeah. you know your kids. and when he would talk about fran, his face would just light
still hurting and waved him off. i was like, never mind, i m not going to eat it anyway. reporter: as matt left to run some errands, fran snoozed, figuring matt would wake her in time for the barbecue. i woke up at 5:47 and i called him. he didn t answer, and i texted him staring at my phone waiting for him to refly and fell back asleep. reporter: she called him twice more. she remembers the exact times. 7:31 and 9:01 and got his voice mail. she was starting to freak. even six hours in, you thought something bad had happened. right because he always answers or calls me right back. so i started calling the police stations and hospitals. reporter: over at the landrys barbecue, the salmon tasted great, but matt and fran were no-shows. still, no one thought twice about it. i knew she was running a fever, and you don t really feel like doing much, especially, you know, going over to parents house. reporter: meanwhile, matt s friends were getting as worried as francesca. th