BROCKWAY — After nearly 40 years, the Morelli family has made the difficult decision to close Morelli’s Family Restaurant in Brockway at the end of January.
Dr. Barbara Rockett, first female president of the Massachusetts Medical Society, dies at 89
By Bryan Marquard Globe Staff,Updated April 19, 2021, 2 hours ago
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In addition to her many other accomplishments, Dr. Barbara Rockett was a fine equestrian.
As a surgical resident 60 years ago, Dr. Barbara Rockett was 8½ months pregnant, moonlighting and making house calls for $10 a visit, when she arrived at a Newton house and climbed three flights of stairs to visit a man in distress.
He told her his symptoms, she checked his vital signs, and then called an ambulance after diagnosing a leaking aortic aneurysm.