RWE Aktiengesellschaft (FRA:RWE – Get Free Report) shares crossed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Tuesday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of €38.03 ($41.79) and traded as high as €41.18 ($45.25). RWE Aktiengesellschaft shares last traded at €41.18 ($45.25), with a volume of 732,440 shares traded. RWE Aktiengesellschaft Stock Down […]
RWE Aktiengesellschaft (FRA:RWE – Get Rating)’s share price passed above its two hundred day moving average during trading on Wednesday . The stock has a two hundred day moving average of €39.65 ($40.46) and traded as high as €39.69 ($40.50). RWE Aktiengesellschaft shares last traded at €39.68 ($40.49), with a volume of 2,948,050 shares trading […]