Our son and his wife were here for a Christmas visit. Our daughter-in-law is a fabulous cook, and she brought several delicious meals, making food prep much easier given my
We have said goodbye to 2021. If you are like me, you are sad that another year has passed and happy to leave this year behind. It has been quite a year. This…
Top Ten 2020 #2: Cardinal George Pell
Top Ten 2020 #2: Cardinal George Pell
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Traditional Feast of St. Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes, France (born in Lourdes on January 7, 1844, died in Nevers, April 16, 1879, age 35) [
Note: her Feast was originally on February 18, that is, today, the anniversary of the
day Mary promised to make her happy, “not in this life, but in the next,” but her Feast has come to be observed in most places on April 16, the day of Bernadette’s death]. She is Patroness of bodily illness, of Lourdes, France, of shepherds and shepherdesses, against grinding poverty, and of those ridiculed for their faith. Today is