amazon unbound, jeff bezos and i remember interviewed you a few years ago for the amazon documentary we did, do you remember that and we talked about this and we talked about space. and i asked you what does bezos want to do. what is the goal here. you have interviewed him and know and studied him so closely, what does he want to do from here with this? right, poppy. and the vision has been to consistent since he was a kid. he gave his high school valedictorian speech on his vision for space. and it was not about going to suborbital space on a trip, it was about opening up the space frontier so millions of humans could live and work in space. and this is orbiting space stations powered by sun and built with materials from the moon and this is a multi-generational effort. but today was a starting point and foye blue origin that had a lot to prove. because it is 20 years old.