corporate crusader for the fbi. public service announcement based on his most iconic character. in the movie wall street i play gordon gekko. reporter: gordon gekko, the ruthless criminal corporate raider who slashed companies to shreds, ruining innocent lives, and infamously declaring greed, for lack of a better word, is good. reporter: douglas played gekko as a world-class villain. but he told the fox movie channel he s been shocked to see wannabe wall street hot shots turn gekko into a hero, someone they want to be. yeah, gordon gekko, you re the reason i got involved in wall street. you re the reason why i m here. douglas wanted the world to know that gekko was a crook. reporter: the new psa is part of the fbi s crackdown on white-collar crime and insider trading. the bureau says securities and commodities fraud cases have jumped by 52% since 2008. and billions have been lost. the fbi currently has 1,800 pending cases. the fbi released undercover surveillance foot