people all over the world are embarrassed by the usa. the u.s. just isn t a very attractive ally any longer, this does have consequences for us as we are trying to build alliances, trying to build coalitions around the world to fight extremists, to fight c challenges like global warming. we can t do that if people feel embarrassed to be associated with the united states. bill: here now to analyze,th abby huntsman, cohost of fox & friends s weekend. from washington, gillian turner, national security expert. when you hear a sound bite like that, do you buy it? i don t buy it. the, first thing i think is that it s kind of ridiculous to say that a foreign country should be embarrassed or ashamed of the united states. the second thing i think is, as a sitting senator, shouldn t the bar for critiquing the president, which is a perfectly legitimate thing to do, shouldn t that bar be a little higher than name-calling?im bill: does the name harry reid mean anything to you? there is no