any veteran will tell you the heroes are no longer with us. ainsley: god bless you, jim. thank you for serving our country. steve: meanwhile, an espn host under fire for saying the nsl injects politics in sports by playing the national anthem. that s not even the worst part. ainsley: todd is having breakfast with friends this morning. he is in miami springs, florida. hey, todd. hey, guys, we just heard from one vietnam veteran. why will hear from two more here at the cozy corner in advance of president trump s visit to miami. guys, are we ready to have some fun today? oh, come on. we can do better than that one more. [cheers] ed toed ted][mother fox & friee other side of this break.
square in social media. of course in washington ted nugent was on wabc radio yesterday. ted nugent has said strong things about democrats in the past. pete: you think? steve: you know what? we have hit the stage, it s time for him to change. the big question is will the other side follow. listen. i think we have reached critical mass. i tend to agree, you and i had a bit of a confrontation because of some of the language i have used. i just can t use those harsh terms. i cannot and i will not and i encourage even my friend/enemy on the left in the democrat, liberal world that we have got to be civil to each other. that the whole world is watching america, where you have the god given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and we have got to be more respectful to the other side. ainsley: good for him. pete: have you to be willing