help? but first, a critical conversation in our quest to create 30 million jobs. how do we keep them in america? we re one on one with the congressman with a new bill that he says aims to do that. we ll get into it. and then what is in apple s secret sauce? those workers with their suicide nets and 18-hour days, just a slice of how they do business. our specials reveal the tech titans less disgust business secrets. a jam-packed show from the belly of the beast, washington, d.c., as the 30 million jobs tour rolls on. we re delighted to have you along for the ride. nyquil (st uffy connect the dots. it s in every chapter of the book, but it s available online at you can see how our interests are being breached. next up on our 30 million jobs tour, inside one of america s most successful and most secretive companies. do they really employ slaves in china making iphones? our specialist reveals the good, the bad, and the ugly at apple. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began. a little bird told me about a band. an old man shared some fish stories. oooh, my turn. she was in paris, but we talked for hours. everyone else buzzed about the band. there s a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next?
37 million of them sold in the period. according to our specialist, there s vastly more to what apple calls their secret sauce for success than simply selling a really cool hand held device. adam lasinski wrote the new book already a best seller inside apple. my big focus with am has been, as you know, on fox con and the employment of thousands of chinese workers to physically manufacture not just iphones, but mac products. it s not just apple. other people use the plant. 230,000 employees. 12-hour days. living in barics. huge suicide issue there. they solved the suicide issue with nets as opposed to reforms,
held a press conference. he would have done something to address this instead the new york times a no comment and leaking a memo to employees that didn t say anything. apple is good at breaking their own rules when it feels like it. we ll see. i won t be surprise d if they d. jimmy? so adam, do you own any apple products? i own many apple products, yes. so do i, jimmy. are you trying to make us feel terrible? no. i own three. i m just wondering. it s terrible. we re all slave employers. i just want to make sure we re honest about what we own. all righty then. now to the gentle lady from new york. in doing your research, i m curious, what surprised you the most? what did you learn that shocked you in doing your research about
us. others say he s responsible or she s responsible. apple you say, who is the dri? that s the person you re going to blame if it doesn t get done. in this case, it would be our president. yes. jobs would say periodically if we don t do well, wall street is going to blame me. if you don t do well, he would say i m going to blame you. listen, adam. congratulations, first off, on the book. your success is well deserved. this is an incredible learning opportunity for everybody both on innovate i have culture and some dysfunction. also want to thank you for your support of greedy bastards along the way. you have been great. i m excited to see your success. so thank you, adam. and congratulations on yours. it s good to be with another new york times best seller. we can all feel guilty about our apple products.