stewart talking about his book, that appearance on open pa. bill o reilly sad he never gets on oprah. didn t all of them help? no. how many? there s probably 12. how come they weren t all on oprah? i take the credit. i can t get on oprah. she doesn t like you. why? you re not likable. you re not likable. that s one way to put it. jon stewart went on to talk about fox as a whole and how bill o reilly has now become the raging left winger of fox news. you ve been overtaken by a more extreme version of you. you re like fox 1.0. you re the beta version. fox 2.0 has jumped over you to an extent that i don t think you could ever dream of and quite frankly i think you fear. i think deep down inside you can t believe what you ve unleashed. i m responsible for all this? you re not responsible for it but what you did is spread out the area and set up your stuff