This Jukebox Musical by Fourth Wall Entertainment follows the life of a fashion doll from the 1950s to the present with music, dancing, comedy, and more! These dolls are sure to steal your heart. This production is appropriate for all ages, and costumes are encouraged! General Admission is $20 Students and Seniors $15 call 209-754-5555
This Jukebox Musical by Fourth Wall Entertainment follows the life of a fashion doll from the 1950s to the present with music, dancing, comedy, and more! These dolls are sure to steal your heart. This production is appropriate for all ages, and costumes are encouraged! General Admission is $20 Students and Seniors $15 call 209-754-5555
Are some people just born evil, or is evil something that must be learned over time? This question is at the center of Maxwell Anderson’s “The Bad Seed,” the tense thriller presented by Fourth Wall Entertainment at the Metropolitan in San Andreas. Opening Friday, October 13 and running through November 5, the play, inspired by