KOTTAYAM: The investigating officials said CBI’s claim that Jesna Maria James, who went missing from Kanjirapally, is in Syria, is false. CBI sources said there were no such findings.
Four Years Ago, Dennis Andres Cashed In His Reality Check And Hit The Dusty Trail.
By Mari Wadsworth
YOU DON T NEED a psychic to find spiritual tour guide Dennis
Andres; he has voice messaging. And whatever he s expecting that
day, you ll likely hear it there directions, a cell phone number,
a time to rendezvous. You can leave your name and number for information
on tours in Sedona, the Red Rock Yoga Adventure, and swimming
with wild dolphins in Hawaii. And although the messages change
daily, they all end the same: Remember, life
is an
adventure, so have a great day! You ask yourself: is this guy for real? The 33-year-old world
Recruits from Camp Syracuse fought in World War I and were quarantined during influenza pandemic
Today 4:30 PM
Recruits train with bayonets in the summer of 1917. Courtesy of the Onondaga Historical AssociationCourtesy of the Onondaga Histori
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By Robert Searing | Curator of history, Onondaga Historical Association
One Hundred and Four Years Ago: At noon on May 15, 1917, Syracuse’s most prominent citizens, including Lt. Gov. Shoeneck, Mayor Stone, former governor Horace White, Syracuse University Chancellor Day, and business moguls like Franklin, Chapin, Nettleton, and Soule, gathered in the Hiawatha Room at the sumptuous Onondaga Hotel to host a luncheon for Maj. General J. Franklin Bell.