RIDING schools have called for changes to the licensing system, warning that the industry is facing a “national crisis”. Owners have told H&H that they are required to carry out vast amounts of paperwork and wade through endless red tape, which means a huge workload, and less time to spend on the nature of their […]
Appeal to buy specially adapted trap for West Pinchbeck accessible riding group gets off to flying start thanks to donations from Spalding Lions
| Updated: 12:33, 09 January 2021
An appeal to buy a specially adapted trap to allow more disabled people to enjoy riding has got off to a flying start.
Four Winds Accessible Riding Group has received more than £650 in donations since launching its appeal to raise more than £7,000 to buy a wheelchair adapted trap.
Spalding Lions have generously pledged £500 towards the costs of buying a second trap for the group, which is based at Four Winds Equestrian Centre in West Pinchbeck.
West Pinchbeck group s appeal to buy adapted trap so disabled can enjoy carriage driving
| Updated: 15:31, 02 January 2021
More disabled people will be able to experience the joy of carriage driving if a group can purchase an additional adapted trap.
Four Winds Accessible Riding Group has launched an appeal to raise up to £7,000 to fund a wheelchair adapted trap to provide an opportunity for more people to have a go behind the reins.
The group, which is based at Four Winds Equestrian Centre in Leaveslake Drove,West Pinchbeck, currently has one trap which is owned by Sense but it is hoped that by providing a second it will make the sport more accessible for more riders.