In the realm of modern Kashmiri literature, Hari Krishna Kaul (1934–2009) shines as a brilliant star. His perceptive short stories and plays, originally in Kashmiri, delve into the cultural fabric and universal human dilemmas of his homeland. The anthology 'For Now, It is Night,' skilfully translated by Tanveer Ajsi, Gowhar Fazili, Gowhar Yaqoob, and Kalpana Raina, introduces Kaul's work to a wider audience. Published posthumously in 2023, the collection features seventeen stories from Kaul's four-decade career, exploring themes of love, morality, death, and human relationships. Kaul's transition from writing in Hindi to Kashmiri unlocked his storytelling potential, offering an intimate look into the human condition through Kashmir's cultural lens. His narratives, rooted in Kashmiri culture and geography, employ natural imagery, myths, and folklore to convey universal truths. The translators have admirably retained the emotional essence of Kaul's pr