A patriot and a hero to the American Revolutionaries, Algernon Sidney was seen as a martyr for liberty for writing, but not even publishing, words based on natural rights the crown felt were a threat to its hold on power.
The largest government in history is incredibly abusive - of your rights, of your money, of the constitution - of pretty much everything. The people need a massive change of attitude towards it if they ever want to turn things around.
Politicians love that the people know little to nothing about “the foundation of the Constitution” - and how to keep the government in check, whether the government people like it, or not.
Creating a real “land of the free” requires a people who not only love liberty - but have the backbone to resist and defy governments that violate their constitutions and their rights. We’ve got a lot of work to do to get there too.
"Think of those around the world who cannot bow their heads in prayer without risking their lives. And then think of how blessed we are to be Americans."