Earlier on Saturday, the plan and design of the whole area was showcased during an interaction with the Founder Dean Faculty of Architecture & Ekistics at Delhi’s Jamia Milia Islamia University, Professor S M Akhtar. He is also the consultant architect for the mosque complex project. Retired JNU Professor Pushpesh Pant, who is the curator of the museum, along with Mumbai-based philanthropist Mohammad Shoib who has shown interest to raise funds for the hospital, also took part in the event virtually.
“Professor Akhtar has showcased the plan of the entire mosque complex along with the four-storey 200-bed super speciality hospital, which will include all modern facilities. The mosque will have two floors and will be spherical in shape. The whole concept is to convey a message on climate change, which is a matter of concern and needs our attention. It will not just be symbolic, but we will make it a zero-energy building. All power demands in the mosque will be met with the help of s