on next year s mardi gras ash wednesday, the day after mardi gras? ate taken off alls ar the floats are painted whitee , and then they start all overan again with next year s theme. t do they reuse the only the original seven ? everything else gets taken apart. what is the butterfly kicking ?h the whole ideaat of that? it s like a butterfly. it s made in a cocoon. incom and then it comes out just forw a brief time.th well, the same image lasts for mardi gras is that we ve been ti working in this cocoon. they ll comes cking out one day and shine and then they ll go back and neve go backr be se unbelievable. it might seem like the floats that you see at mardi gras just magically appear without a second thought as to how they got there in the first place. tf irwell, we re here at mardi gras world, and it s the birthplacedt to some of the most astonishing and intricate floats that youin setrice on the streets of new orleans. this whole operation was operati founde