Particularly black boys in the United States at this moment, but its also filled with my desire for them to live a life of beauty and joy and excellence and self regard and in the extraordinary tradition that we have to draw from. Host where did you come up with the idea . Guest ive written that letter is privately but my editor said is this something you would be interested in doing and i talk about my children all the time and post about them on social media and initially i think what we both had in mind is something that was a bitad lighthearted but then when i started to reflect on what it would mean to try to tell a story to them at up to my expectations but also my warnings and the depth of my love and a story for them and the world it became something more sober and i reached into the archives that i had in my mind of the work that for me to death and tried to have a conversation with with the past and present for their futures. Host it reads as if it flowed out of you. Thats pr
Unit. It was created into a twobedroom unit. Shes lived in a twobedroom unit the entire time shes lived there. And the coincidences im talking about ive probably been in more homes in the Bayview District than pretty much any other person in San Francisco as a housing attorney serving the neighborhood ive never seen a third bathroom in any house in the entire neighborhood. There are no threebathroom houses in the Bayview District. And certainly it doesnt make sense to have a threebathroom and twobedroom unit for this single mother and her young daughter. It doesnt make sense. Which leaves the only logical conclusion in my mind that the Property Owner is intending to make this two short term rentals. The upstairs bedroom has been siphoned into units. The planning website reflects. The Property Owner told me this isnt planned but i have a hard time seeing any other possible reality that can occur here. No one believes in the maintaining the Affordable Housing more than i do. But in this
Settling is going to occur, it president swig, it will occur in the building. Doesnt the frackinger to impact of a renovation from next door only occur when there is construction and dealing with redoing the foundation or building a new foundation. President swig yes. I am kind of leaning towards myself just for comfort for the appellant is that the d. B. I. Do a site visit. And that latch moving down an inch and a half is quite substantial. Theres 10, 12 notices of violation on this. We have written up going out there again is no point. There order of abatement and notice of violation. I couldnt even print that many violations and i couldnt print them all. The question i have here is that the appellant has stated that there is damage to his property. The permit holder said that her building is not responsible and the work she is done is not responsible. I am trying to figure out if d. B. I. Can go out there and see if there was work done on that side. We have that notice of violation.
Of a renovation from next door only occur when there is construction and dealing with redoing the foundation or building a new foundation. President swig yes. I am kind of leaning towards myself just for comfort for the appellant is that the d. B. I. Do a site visit. And that latch moving down an inch and a half is quite substantial. Theres 10, 12 notices of violation on this. We have written up going out there again is no point. There order of abatement and notice of violation. I couldnt even print that many violations and i couldnt print them all. The question i have here is that the appellant has stated that there is damage to his property. The permit holder said that her building is not responsible and the work she is done is not responsible. I am trying to figure out if d. B. I. Can go out there and see if there was work done on that side. We have that notice of violation. Was there work done on that side . Yeah. So the excavation was done there was. Okay. The permit holder its th
Doesnt the frackinger to impact of a renovation from next door only occur when there is construction and dealing with redoing the foundation or building a new foundation. President swig yes. I am kind of leaning towards myself just for comfort for the appellant is that the d. B. I. Do a site visit. And that latch moving down an inch and a half is quite substantial. Theres 10, 12 notices of violation on this. We have written up going out there again is no point. There order of abatement and notice of violation. I couldnt even print that many violations and i couldnt print them all. The question i have here is that the appellant has stated that there is damage to his property. The permit holder said that her building is not responsible and the work she is done is not responsible. I am trying to figure out if d. B. I. Can go out there and see if there was work done on that side. We have that notice of violation. Was there work done on that side . Yeah. So the excavation was done there was