Been. The sign bearing a bunch of graves shows me the way. The wind is very important around these parts the pub latin it is germanys 2nd biggest wine growing area there are over 23000 hectares of vineyards here. Good wine good food combined with this incredible landscape the perfect set up for a little autumn get away im excited to find out what im going to sing and savor and the poll latin it and here is a little taste of whats the. Trip. Humbucker castle the birthplace of german democracy. A hike along the. Hiking trail. And one of our viewers shows us around his hometown in columbia got back into. The wind gauge in the question this is where the german wine route starts its one of germanys oldest tourist routes. Yet some people prefer not to talk about who invented it. If you look closely youll see an odd blank space below the eagle thats chilled out but you can still make out what it once was a swastika the wine route was an idea of the nazis today youll look in vain for a reminde
Is very important around these parts the polack in it is germany 2nd biggest wine growing area there are over 23000 hectares of vineyards here. Good wine good food combined with this incredible landscape the perfect set up for a little autumn get away im excited to find out what im going to see and savor and the whole latin it and here is a little taste of whats the. Trip to humbucker castle the birthplace of german democracy. Hike along the. Hiking trail. And one of our viewers shows us around his hometown in colombia got back into. The wind gauge inch in the left and this is where the german wind route starts its one of germanys oldest tourist routes. Yet some people prefer not to talk about who invented it. If you look closely youll see an odd blank space below the eagle thats chiseled out but you can still make out what it once was a swastika the wine route was an idea of the nazis today you look in vain for a reminder of the gates dark past. Nowadays the line gate belongs to a Vin
Been. The sign bearing a bunch of great shows me the way. The. Wind is very important around these parts the polack that is germany 2nd biggest wine growing area there are over 23000 hectares of vineyards here. Good wine good food combined with this incredible landscape the perfect set up for a little autumn get away im excited to find out what im going to see and savor and the poll latin it and here is a little taste of whats the cup. Trip to hum. Castle the birthplace of german democracy. A hike along the. Hiking trail. And one of our viewers shows us around his hometown in columbia got back into. The wind gauge in schweigen the question this is where the german wind route starts its one of germanys oldest tourist routes. Yet some people prefer not to talk about who invented it. If you look closely youll see an odd blank space below the eagle thats chiseled out but you can still make out what it once was a swastika the wine route was an idea of the nazis today you look in vain for a
Oppose anu support or impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. We will keep it simple. If you support the inquiry, we want to hear from you at 202 7488000. Tell us why. If you oppose an impeachment inquiry, we want to hear from you at 202 7848001. We want to hear your reasoning. You can always text us your 202 7488003. Once again, things are moving quickly in washington when it comes to this impeachment inquiry that democrats have opened into President Donald Trump. This is a look at the New York Times on what is going on in washington. Democrats moving quickly to escalate their imprisonment inquiry impeachment inquiry. They subpoenaed mike pompeo on friday. Once again, we want to know from you whether you support or oppose this impeachment inquiry. We have a call already from washington. The caller imposes opposes the inquiry. Why do you oppose an impeachment inquiry . Caller im actually in california. I oppose it because i dont understand biden is on film saying what he did i
Good afternoon. Welcome to the National Press club. I am deputy manager editor and passed past president of the National Press club and board member of the journalism institute. For todays headline or event, we are pleased to welcome any andy parker. Hopefully, joining us by phone is the director of the Georgetown Universitys civil hts clinicnic rig and Voting Rights institute. They are here to discuss and his campaign to get google to tape video off of its platforms and to take your questions. During the q a portion, i will take as many questions as time permits. Please wait for the handheld microphone that will be brought to you, and when i call on you, state your name and affiliation prior to asking the question. Andy parker and his daughter andy parkers daughter, allison parker, was an Award Winning journalist tragically murdered reporting the morning news from a live location in august of 2015. Her father has been advocating for changes in gun laws and lately and tech policy. His