Himachal Pradesh Congress chief Pratibha Singh said on Monday said that the government s decision to cancel the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) license of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (RGF) was aimed at diverting the attention of people, especially in poll-bound states, from issues such as unemployment and inflation.
After the Central government cancelled the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) licence of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (RGF), Congress MP and General Secretary Incharge of Communications Jairam Ramesh on Sunday called it a move by the Centre to divert public attention from the deep crisis caused by spiralling prices, galloping unemployment and a falling rupee.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], July 18 (ANI/NewsVoir): 25 million children are born every year in India and this accounts for one-fifth of the world s annual childbirths
Gurugram (Haryana) [India], February 19 (ANI/NewsVoir): The coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected the physical and mental well-being of children who had to stay inside homes for a long time