A panel monitoring the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's operation of the jail system is asking for a federal court hearing to discuss deputy use-of-force and other issues noted in a recent report critical of how the department is handling such incidents.
A panel monitoring the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's operation of the jail system is asking for a federal court hearing to discuss deputy use-of-force and other issues noted in a recent report critical of how the department is handling such incidents, the ACLU Foundation of Southern Cali
A panel monitoring the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's operation of the jail system is asking for a federal court hearing to discuss deputy use-of-force and other issues noted in a recent report critical of how the department is handling such incidents.
LOS ANGELES The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Minnesota, and the ACLU Foundation of Southern California filed a federal lawsuit today in the United States District Court for the Central District of California on behalf of three Muslim Americans who have been subjected to unconstitutional questioning from border officers about