International remote robotics tournament to begin Monday
Special to the Herald-Banner
May 14, 2021
Based in Greenville Texas, the Robotics Education & Competition (REC) Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit and VEX Robotics-centered organization, is back to showcase the incredible talent and skill of a range of student competitors by hosting the first-ever Live Remote VEX Robotics World Championship, which will begin Monday and continue until Friday, May 29.
Leveraging the REC Foundation s Live Remote Tournament interface, teams from around the world will be able to compete in real-time tournaments or live skills matches to be crowned champions.
Greenvilleâs teams will physically be competing at REC s Central Command at Innovation First, at 1519 I-30, and the event will begin streaming live at 12:30 p.m. Monday, on RECâs YouTube channel (just search on YouTube for RECFoundation).