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What To Do About the Kassebaum-Kennedy Bill
(Archived document, may contain errors) 226 June 5, 1996 WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE KASSEBAUM-KENNEDY BILL
New york
United states
New jersey
South dakota
Thomas daschle
Johnc goodman
Robert rector
Charles baker
Roberte moffit
Edmundf haisimaier
Robertb helms
Davids broder
Williamv roth
Davidb toscano
John breaux
Ken heithoff
Reform the Sugar, Peanut, and Dairy Programs
(Archived document, may contain errors) 216 September 26, 1995 REFORM THE SUGAR, PEANUT, AND DAIRY PROGRAMS
United states
Rachel dardis
Bill bradley
Richard lugar
Johne frydenlund
Hank brown
Rick santorum
Heritage foundation
House agriculture committee
Mk producers federation
Agriculture committee
National cotton council
International conditions require program
Journal of consumer affairs
Accounting office
Senate agriculture committee chairmen
The Farm Bill: Still Deserves a Veto
(Archived document, may contain errors) 12/3 /85. 101 THE FARM BILL STILL DESERVES A VETO
White house
District of columbia
United states
Jamesl gattuso
Ronald reagan
Heritage foundation issue bulletin no
Heritage foundation executive memorandum no
Farm bill
Foundation executive memorandum
Still time
Farm crisis
Foundation issue bulletin
New republic november
H R 3008: Still Misleading Advertising for Comparable Worth
(Archived document, may contain errors) 10/1/85 93 H.R. 3008: STILL MISLEADING ADVERTISING .FOR COMPARABLE WORTH
San francisco
United states
S anna kondratas schultz
June oneill
Diane feinstein
Mary rose oakar
Heidi hartmann
House post office
Us commission on civil rights
Heritage foundation issue bulletin no
Civil service committee
Federal equitable pay practices act
General schedule
Federal wage system
Comptroller general
Personnel management
The Social Consequences of Choice: Why It Matters Where PoorChildren Go to School
The Social Consequences of Choice: Why It MattersWhere Poor Children Go to School
New york
United states
Sidwell friends school
District of columbia
Department of education
University of chicago
New south wales
Jamesg cibulka
Christine olson
James coleman
Robert rector
Phi delta kappa
Jesse jackson
Charlesl glenn
Andrewm greeley
Johns hopkins
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