The National Heritage Responders help figure out how to save important objects and buildings after disasters. With climate change, they're busier than ever.
In June, the Boothbay Region Historical Society was selected to participate in the Collections Assessment for Preservation (CAP) program for 2023, one of only 44 institutions in the United States to receive this distinction. The CAP program, which.
NEWBURYPORT — The Museum of Old Newbury recently announced it is one of 44 institutions in the country selected to participate in the Collections Assessment for Preservation program.
The HCHS staff will work with a team of preservation professionals to identify preventive conservation priorities. The final assessment report will help the museum prioritize its collections care efforts in the coming years.
Rude awakening Saturday morning: The whine of sirens wrestles me out of sweet dreams and into the stark reality of a tornado warning. Take cover immediately, the cellphone text advises.Like the Th