Praedyth’s Revenge is back and ready for action in Destiny 2. This Primary-slot Sniper Rifle can roll with a host of different perks, which means the hunt for a Praedyth’s Revenge god roll is on. If you’re looking for some perk recommendations, I’ve got some suggestions for you. Let’s go!
Praedyth’s Revenge god rolls
Praedyth’s Revenge features quite a few perks that make it an appealing Sniper Rifle for PVE players. For PVP players, the main drawback will likely be its scope magnification and the lack of perks that really shine in Crucible. In saying this, it’s one worth chasing.
Perk 1: Full Choke, Rifled Barrel, Smoothbore, Smallbore, Barrel Shroud, Corkscrew Rifling
Perk 2: Assault Mag, Appended Mag, Tactical Mag, Extended Mag, Steady Rounds, Accurized Rounds, Light Mag
Perk 3: Rewind Rounds, Auto-Loading Holster, Surplus, Unrelenting, Slideshot, Full Auto Trigger System
Perk 4: One-Two Punch, Frenzy, Vorpal Weapon, Demolitionist, Opening Shot, Killing Wind.
PvP God Roll
Like all Shotgun that can one-bang enemies with regularity in the Crucible, the goal of any roll on the Found Verdict is to increase the range. Full Choke and Accurized Rounds will give the weapon and impressive base range. Slideshot and Opening Shot will nicely round things out, giving easy to stack buffs to range, accuracy, and stability.
Visions of Confluence is another Vault of Glass weapon that has been introduced to Destiny 2. This Scout Rifle sits in the Energy slot, deals Solar damage, and offers quite a few interesting perks. Be on the lookout for a Visions of Confluence god roll, as it can mean the difference between dismantling it and keeping it around for a good time.
Visions of Confluence god roll
The Curated Roll in Collections is pretty close to a god roll Visions of Confluence. If you weren t interested in Zen Moment, Rewind Rounds would be the other option.
At the time of writing, other than Dead Man’s Tale, there aren’t a lot of reasons to use Scout Rifles in PVP content. They certainly have their uses in PVE, such as dealing with Harpies during the Atheon encounter in Vault of Glass, but outside of that, there are other weapons that outperform them. In saying this, Visions of Confluence is a Scout Rifle that manages to feel pretty good to use, even if it’s not necessarily a meta option during