555 Students Found In Gujarat Coaching Centre Raid, Owner Arrested 555 Students Found In Gujarat Coaching Centre Raid, Owner Arrested The raid on the centre took place on Sunday and its owner, identified as 39-year-old Jaysukh Sankhalva, was arrested on Monday, said Rajkot Superintendent of Police Balram Meena.
The owner was arrested under IPC and Epidemic Diseases Act provisions. (Representational)
A coaching centre owner in Jasdan town of Gujarat s Rajkot district was arrested for allegedly breaking COVID-19 norms after police found more than 550 students in his premises during a raid, the police said on Monday.
The raid on the centre took place on Sunday and its owner, identified as 39-year-old Jaysukh Sankhalva, was arrested on Monday, said Rajkot Superintendent of Police Balram Meena.