very little resemblance to traditional islamic faith practice. good to have you on again. thank you so much. absolute pleasure. thank you, andersen. we have a lot of news ahead. want to take a moment to remember a friend, man i cam to know on the broadcast, a man we cam to like. fouad ajami, grace, kindness, scholar of the middle east, eloquence without parallel. his opinions, controversial, came from a place of compassion and caring for voices not being heard. those forced to live under desp despot s cruel rule. born in lebanon, and in 68 years he traveled far and saw much. we frafld together two years ago to a syrian refugee camp in turkey and sat in tents talking with syrians who fled their homes and were trying to come to grips with their new lives, trying to make sense of events beyond their control. fouad may have helped them. tonight our thoughts go to his family and friends, and all of us here shall miss him very