Evolutionary experts recently identified how South African dinosaurs breathed using the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF s X-ray technology. The dinosaur, better known as the Heterodontosaurus tucki, had a breathing system that had been a puzzle for scientists up until today.
Heterodontosaurus Fossil Shows Unique Ventilatory Techniques of the Ornithischian Dinosaurs
(Photo : Daderot / WikiCommons)
Back in 2016, the University of Witwatersrand s Evolutionary Studies Institute experts collaborated with ESRF to scan the detailed skeleton structure of a specific dinosaur. Using the brightest and most powerful synchrotron light source, the fossil of the 200 million-year-old herbivore giant Heterodontosaurus tucki was observed for additional details regarding its previous body formation. Albany Museum s expert and co-author of the study William de Klerk was the first to encounter the fossil way back in 2019 in South Africa s Eastern Cape, reports Science Daily report