expecting? well, they re expecting hundreds of thousands of people. we ve got a million kids in new york city public schools, a lot of them said they want to come out. two have already come out. you re 10? yes. you ve got a sign. what does it say? there s no planet b, don t be a fos ill fuel. that s clever. what is it that people will take way from you being out of school today. i hope that they will like i hope that they will like stop using fossil fuels. maggie, you re 12? maggie is making signs, too. this is where the protest and the climate strike begins, with understanding what it s all about and making signs. what do you want people to take away from today, maggie? i want people to recognize that the climate crisis is a big deal and that they should be doing things to stop it. and you re just 12 years old. how are you thinking that you can make a difference with the