SB 5096 cannot be implemented until other bills are enacted raising multiple taxes
On Saturday, the Washington State Senate passed SB 5096 by a vote of 27-22, and it now heads to Gov. Jay Inslee’s desk for signing. On Sunday afternoon, the Senate passed HB 1091 creating a low carbon fuel standard. Both bills are tied to a future transportation package which must include a gas tax increase of a nickel or more.
“We finally have meaningful climate legislation that reflects the values and priorities of Washingtonians, and that respects the science of climate change,” Gov. Inslee said in a statement.
Inslee’s statement appears to fly in the face of voters’ actions. Both bills bypass the will of voters who soundly rejected I-732 and I-1631, which would have imposed a carbon tax raising the cost of home heating, vehicle fuels, and more in 2016 and 2018.