Mark A. Strand writes, "Do not rely on free news on the internet. There is no free news, what you read for 'free' is sponsored by some special interest and thus biased."
In this interview, Forum Editor Matt Von Pinnon talks about the practices we use in our reporting and the commitment we have to providing trustworthy information.
This longtime Moorhead teacher graduated from a former consolidated school
In today s Neighbors column, Bob Lind hears from a man who made a big impact on junior high students in the region and also found time to work at Straus for several years. Written By: Bob Lind | ×
Bob Lind, Neighbors columnist. The ForumThe Forum
Ken Welken, because he is a graduate of it.
Ken, who now lives in Fargo but spends winters in Arizona, sent his story to Neighbors after seeing the Green School column.
“I grew up on a farm about five miles from the school, which my dad also attended,” he writes. “I graduated from 8th grade there in 1961.