Fortnite: How to get Lazarbeam skin from the item shop
There’s been some fantastic news recently for Epic Games with the acquisition of Fall Guys, but the good news for Fortnite players in particular is that Season 5 is coming to an end relatively soon. However, before Season 6 finally comes about, players will be able to get the Lazarbeam skin. Here you’ll discover how to get the Lazarbeam skin in Fortnite from the item shop by knowing its likely price and release date.
As for what fans can look forward to in the upcoming Season 6, leaks suggest there will be vehicle-based bosses. In addition, before Season 6 even comes about, there’s speculation that there will be another major live event to mark the end of Season 5 despite it being hard to imagine how Epic Games will surpass what they achieved with Galactus.
Epic has also announced they are making changes to how Creative Mode works, posting this week:
“The Hand Cannon heads back to the vault, while another item returns. Spread the news! New Island size in Creative & localized Featured Creative Hub support.”
Epic Games has revealed that Fortnite servers will be going down at 9am GMT, but have not provided much in the way of how long maintenance will last.
From an estimate shared on the Epic Games Site, Fortnite servers could be down for a total of three hours.
That’s the longest possible prediction, meaning that servers will likely be up much sooner than that.