far it will remain a puzzle. a luck with that. when you have a government alleging this came from fort dietrich as part of a military pot you clearly do not have the government or the communist party of china interested to be transparent they will not be more forthcoming with any information to resolve this. chris: is there anything we can do? obviously we will not go to war but short of that is everything joe biden can do to spend time with president xi to get the chinese to be more transparent about the origins of this virus? to make sorry to tell you think we are headed in the other direction they have refused to be helpful or transparent that is why this
on both sides that is mostly circumstantial. there is no so-called smoking gun. now, this according to white house officials was such an issue in trying to decide how much evidence mounted on each side that they were going back and forth as recently as this past friday. so that tells you that they are not confident enough to move forward with any sort of o what started this outbreak. meantime here in china, they are playing off this saying it is all politically motivated. they are continuing that rhetoric. and we have seen them step up in a relentless effort to push a propaganda of all sorts of other narratives and calling on the w.h.o. to investigate the u.s. they believe there might be a lab leak, but they are looking at fort dietrich in maryland. and so that has been part of really a nonstop campaign that has played out for several months and has ramped up as
meanwhile, the foreign ministry spokesperson said these labs are going to be investigated, then the w.h.o. should look into fort dietrich in maryland, which researches germs and viruses. i will leave you with that, eric. eric: has critics say, china does not want the truth to come out. we ll see. meanwhile, back and our country, five people shot in charleston, south carolina. by the police chief says he can guarantee the suspect is at large and a repeat offender. eric: controversy over a new york times for guest as they arguing for voting rights for people who are not even citizens of this country. karl rove will weigh in on that next history to turn your home equity into cash. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now, while mortgage rates are near all time lows.
about the lab in wuhan, china, you know, the one they expeer meanted bat viruses that look like the one we are dealing with right now. they are looking at leaks that happened, i don t know, in fort dietrich in maryland. they tweeted this out. half a million chinese have signed a joint statement letter to the w.h.o. demanding an investigation into the u.s. lab at fort dietrich. tom cotton is the republican senator from arkansas. now, senator, you famously said look at that wuhan lab. they are coming back over a year later and saying it s time for the americans to. point guilty finger at military lab and military games happened in china last year. this is just about as pervasive as their case a bat kissed a skunk and must have introduced this virus into human beings. look, from the very beginning it s been obvious that the most likely source of this virus is
should be kept secret until they agreed upon the next steps. the conversation coming out in thousands of recently released emails from dr. fauci and while multiple countries push for a new investigation into the covid origins in china, officials are trying to spin the narrative. let s get to rich edson who is live at the white house with more on this. rich, good afternoon. the white house is pushing for a credible investigation in china into the origins of covid-19. democracies have joined to that call, but the chinese government is blocking that effort. ultimately we need access and the international community needs access to china to be able to get that initial data that will tell us the most about where this virus came from china is ramping up its campaign to resist an independent investigation and instead chinese officials are calling for an investigation into u.s. government labs, like fort