the news division hired a former trump official. and she ll feel so gooood about her plan, public dissent at cbs after the nenews division hired a forr trump official. livining it. that s the planning effect, from fidelitity.
into the russian influence into the 2016 election. the committee is looking at whether any trump associate worked with the russian intelligence operation to plant fake news stories to hurt hillary clinton and benefit donald trump. well, the coittee s asked or has asked forr trump adviser carter page to provide a lit of his contacts with russian officials and turn over any e-mails or other communications with russians according to a letter he provided to nbc news signed by republican chairman richard burr and mark warner of the senate intelligence committee. the new york times is reporting similar letters were sent to former trump advisers roger stone, michael flynn, and paul manafort. that s my list anyway. page told the new york times, quote, although i will help in any way i can, please note any records i may have saved as a private citizen will be minuscule in comparison to the full database of information which has already been collected under last year s completely unjustified
at a minimum, the idea of being able to stand up for 5 minutes and applaud his widow seems to be perfectly legitimate. sean: you know, tomi, all these liberal snowflakely lunatics, that was so mean, cruel, and heartless to say these things and i m sitting here and listening, this guy died. these people fight, bleed, and die so they have the right to be ignorant and stupid. that lack of appreciation i think bothers me the most. how condescending. that is what i first thought m when i hear them saying that she is a political prop. that is why she is there, forr trump s ratings. no. no. to talk down to her like that, to make her seem as if she is an infant. she does not know what she is therefore? clearly they could learn a thing or two from carryn owens. i would encourage all the women out there that are holding up their f trump signs, marching in their pink hats. i would encourage them to look at someone like carryn owens and see what a real woman is and what sacrifice looks like.ra