NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) - In den USA haben in der Nacht zum Sonntag (Ortszeit) erste Regenausläufer durch Hurrikan Henri New York und andere Bundesstaaten im Nordosten erreicht. In der Millionenmetropole New York City musste wegen eines schweren Gewitters ein Großkonzert zum erhofften Ende der Coro.
Analisi e citazioni di Lorenzo Borrè
“Per liquidare i popoli si comincia col privarli della memoria. Si distruggono i loro libri, la loro cultura, la loro .
Gremio de Restaurantes asegura que ampliación de aforo y horario no los beneficia
Para José Luis Silva Martinot, vocero de la unión de gremios de restaurantes, esta medida no es la adecuada y pide a las autoridades que los dejen atender hasta el toque de queda.
El último miércoles, el Gobierno informó las nuevas medidas restrictivas por la pandemia del covid-19, en Lima y Callao. Esto comprende al aumento de aforo en ciertos establecimientos.
Desde el lunes 21 de junio hasta el 11 de julio, los restaurantes atenderán al
50% de su aforo en sus locales, mientras que al aire libre continuarán sin restricciones hasta las 9 de la noche.
our latest polls on the republican race, they are just coming out this minute andy sho stunning change in fortune for two of the republican hopefuls. mitt romney still plead leads in iowa with 21%. ron paul is right behind at 22%. but look at this. rick santorum has jumped into third place with 16%. tripling his shows just three weeks ago. meantime, newt gingrich has fallen off a cliff. at least it seems like it now. he s at only 14% down from 33% in our last poll. rick perry is at 11%. michele bachmann, still in single digits, followed by jon huntsm huntsman, who has written off campaigning here in iowa. there s less drama in romney s backyard of new hampshire. he s at 44% there, followed by paul at 17%, gingrich at 16%. the rest of the poll in single digits. joining us now from des moines, candy crowley. candy, i guess the headline here is not necessarily that mitt romney is number one in iowa, although he is even though he really hasn t spent a lot of time here. but all of