USCIS guidance provides a nonexhaustive list of situations that could lead to a finding of compelling circumstances employment authorization document for principal applicants and their defendants. serious illness and disability, employer dispute and retaliation, significant disruption to employer
USCIS announced the expansion of its premium processing service to include certain F1 students seeking OPT and STEM OPT. OPT employment authorization provides eligible F1 students to apply for up to 12 months of temporary employment related to their field of study.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has entered into settlement agreement to bundle an application to extend or change H-4 or L-2 status and employment authorization document EAD application. Form I-539 is the application to extend/change nonimmigrant temporary status.
DHS reached a Settlement Agreement in Edakunni v. Mayorkas. USCIS will adjudicate Form I539, Application to Change Nonimmigrant Status, and Form I 765, Application for Employment Authorization at the same time for H4 and L2 dependent when forms are filed with the underlying Form I 129.
USCIS agreed to bundle adjudication of dependent applicant Form I-539 Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status and Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization with primary applicant Form I-129 Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker if the forms are filed together.