Generations yet unborn, we have got to guard this moment. This is our watch. And again, i am soso very proud of the Judiciary Committee, i am so very, very proud of the Intelligence Committee because they went in and tried to pull out the facts so that they could paint the picture so that america could see it. And hopefully, they will not be ladies like the lady at amashs town hall meeting who said they didnt know that there was something wrong that trump did with regard in this Mueller Report. And so again, we, the speaker is absolutely right. She told us a little bit earlier that she wants to gather all the information and make sure that we have everything we need to paint that picture. Now, what the American People do with it, thats another thing. But we will not stand by and
fail to give them, let them see the total picture. I too thank mr. Mueller for coming forward for his service to our country. Last but not least, it is so interesting that when mueller would make a decision tha
it s hard to watch this full day because i think in many ways it s a long day. it s not easy watching the sausage get made but when you show these short takes and we put them together, it s clear that mueller in his own way is telling us this president obstructed justice and people who obstruct justice do it because they re concerned about whether or not they re guilty. trump may not have known whether or not he committed a collusion conspiracy with russia but he was scared that that might be the outcome and he didn t want mueller s investigators to have full access to everything. that s why they obstructed. you put your finger on something that is both legal but also broadly understandable which is if you re not guilty, why are you acting so guilty. if you re not scared, why do you look so shook. you said it s useful to go into the hearing. we re going to do that tonight. so the panel stays and i m going to bring in another special guest, a former counsel to a top congressional comm
under oath and in public today to america, yes, he should. if you listen closely, when mueller was asked direct questions about this criminal evidence on trump like did he interfere with the probe, did he say yes. in fact, some of the most important answers today were those short confirmations from fact checking trump top stating under oathing that welcoming russia s meddling is unpatriotic. your investigation is not a witch hunt. it is not. when the president said the russian interference was a hoax, that was false. true. your investigation found evidence that russia wanted to help trump win the election, right. that would be accurate. knowingly accepting foreign assistance during a presidential campaign is and you ethical thing to do. and a crime. we can agree that it s also unpatriotic? true. we should hold our elected officials to a standard higher than meara voidance of contractnality, shouldn t we? absolutely. absolutely. if you listen closely what you
say director mueller, that the president was credible? i can t answer that question. director mueller, isn t it fair to say that the president s written answers were not only inadequate and complete, his answers showed he wasn t always being truthful? i would say generally. generally untruthful is worse than rarely or what you d want if you were any other normal nonpresident witness which is a no. mr. mueller did not go beyond the limits that he set for himself because they re not just laws. he said he wouldn t go beyond his report. other prosecutors have. he told everyone he wouldn t go beyond his report so everyone including the press was on notice. mr. mueller i want to be clear in fairness to the white house, as well, mr. mueller never explicitly built up a case for impeachment today but he did confirm serious evidence against the sitting president and confirmed doj can indict an
heard was bob mueller forming a judgment of donald trump. and it was not a positive one. so as we dig into the substance tonight on what is one of the most moment to us days of this era, consider this next thing we learned. after all the people indict or convicted of obstructing this probe and lie together feds including several trump advisers note what i m about to show you. today you can hear bob mueller for the first time say in his own words under oath that donald trump followed the same path that those others were indicted for. let me repeat before you see this. bob mueller referring to donald trump following that same illegal path making false untruthful statements to mueller s investigators. in fact, there were.questions that you asked the president that he simply didn t answer. isn t that correct? true. and there were many answers that contradicted other evidence you had gathered during the investigation. isn t that correct? yes. director mueller, could you