HULU SELANGOR: Former Selangor Umno chief Tan Sri Noh Omar has questioned the need for his former party to repay a "favour" to DAP in the Kuala Kubu Baharu by-election.
“The state election results from the polling streams show that many young voters in the Malay belt have chosen Perikatan over Barisan. The majority vote in Sungai Burong was over 6,000, which has never happened before,” Noh was quoted as saying.
(MMO) - Former Selangor Umno warlord Tan Sri Noh Omar
Citing “ummah unity”, the ex-Tanjong Karang MP recounted his previous efforts to develop Muafakat Nasional into a platform for Malay votes, and said PN could replicate this to win at least 33 seats from the 56 available and form the state government.
(MMO) - Former Selangor Umno chief Tan Sri Noh O
SABAK BERNAM, June 2 Former Selangor Umno chief Tan Sri Noh Omar expressed confidence last night that Perikatan Nasional (PN) could comfortably win the state election on the.