In Haiti officials believe there are 900 people died. Go full scale of the disaster is only now becoming apparent as aid workers begin to reach coastal areas in the southern peninsula which had been cut off by flooding and homes from the charity mission of hope there s almost no buildings remain in some towns and villages it is tremendously we ve seen 80 percent 90 percent of structures totally taken down to the ground and you re seeing a lot of water systems contaminated and your food source is really decimated in the area it s horrible but you know anyone that has worked in Haiti will say this thing about the Haitians they re the most resilient people they ve ever worked with at least 4 people are known to have died in the American state of Florida storm surges lead to many streets close to the coast being flooded with sea water more than a 1000000 homes were left without power Syrian government forces have reportedly gained ground in fighting rebels in the province of the oppositio
The world s biggest polluter China has ratified the global agreement on tackling climate change reached last year in Paris the deal was approved ahead of the g 20 meeting that stew to begin on Sunday the United States is also poised to ratify the agreement to resume a he s heading to the summit where the prime minister will be under pressure to approve plans for a new nuclear power station the hankie Point project in Somerset which would be funded by the Chinese is currently on hold but Sky s Katie star who s at the summit in Hangzhou says no announcement is imminent we are told from the British say not to expect a decision they say that they have a very firm line on this if the decision will happen this month but it will not happen in the next few days the government s expected to announce plans later to ban micro beads from u.k. Cosmetics the tiny plastic balls used in p.c. Products and toothpaste can cause damage to marine wildlife and end up in the human food chain environmental e
Now has announced that it s formally committed itself to the climate change agreement negotiated in Paris before Christmas Barack Obama is also poised to stress Washington s backing for the deal at the g 20 the B.B.C. s reporter John sort worth is there and says this is important to the u.s. President this is President Obama s last big g. 20 summit as president but he wants to cement his legacy no real surprise given the cut the compliant nature of the Chinese parliament but if a bomber is to follow suit data today as expected Well that will be seen as highly symbolic to resume A s heading to her 1st g 20 where she ll be under pressure to approve plans for a new nuclear power station the Hinkley Point project in Somerset which will be funded by the Chinese is currently on hold an n.h.s. Group in North Yorkshire says it wants to postpone non-emergency surgery for obese patients for up to a year as part of efforts to save money the proposal by the Vet of your clinical commissioning grou
Because polluted China has ratified the global agreement on tackling climate change reached last year in Paris the deal was approved ahead of the g 20 meeting that stew to begin on Sunday the United States is also poised to ratify the agreement to resume May s heading to the summit where the prime minister will be under pressure to approve plans for a new nuclear power station the Hank 3 point project in Somerset which would be funded by the Chinese is currently on hold but Sky s Katie star who s at the summit in Hangzhou says no announcement is imminent we are told from the British say not to expect a decision they say that they have a very firm lane on this if the decision will happen this month but it will not happen in the next few days the government s expected to announce plans later to ban micro beads from u.k. Cosmetics the tiny plastic balls used in p.c. Products and toothpaste can cause damage to marine wildlife and end up in the human food chain environmental expert Dr Simo
It s an incredible outcome that coming out you wouldn t want to be in some of the other countries and the management who are examining themselves as we did back in in Atlanta role in the times when things weren t so good but we should be very proud of what s happening I think we probably thank you very much today that s Jane Allen chief executive of British and Gnostics and also so Rodney Walkup the search for Wake up to Money thanks for company breakfast is next thanks Adam cheesemaking these days b.b.c. Slush 5 life. These Slash 5 life. These days b.b.c. Slush 5 life. These days b.b.c. Radio 5 Live Unfortunately due to rights restrictions we re no Sables of bring you the current sports commentary on this platform you may be able to listen in on an alternative platform for further information on Terms of Use go to b.b.c. Tokuda u.k. Slash 5 life. These days b.b.c. Radio 5 Live Unfortunately due to rights restrictions we re not able to bring you the current sports commentary on thi