Says it s identified potential preparations by the Syrians chemical weapons expert Hey Mr Breton Gordon who spent 23 years with the British army says the u.s. Has to act would be absolutely wrong in my opinion you Americans or British or French if they have this information law to do so because he s very short time again we saw those dreadful pictures of the many children and women killed in Karachi Canaan in a province from the dead you know range in sorrow and to do nothing is crazy but defense secretary insists they re all navies new aircraft carrier isn t vulnerable to cyber attack fears were raised about h.m.s. Queen Elizabeth because it has computers running Windows x.p. The operating system hit by a global attack in May So Michael Fallon insists the computers on board are properly protected it s not the system itself of course that s vulnerable it s the security that surrounds it and I want to reassure you but Queen Elizabeth the security around it just system is properly prote
With the national woman it s silence to remember the victims all and all of those affected by the Grenfell tower fire in West London this is Forces Radio be F.B.I. s And now news plus I m sure one Harris police have just confirmed that $79.00 people are now dead or presumed missing after the fire going full tower Metropolitan Police Commander Stewart County has just taken off that 17 knowing we are fully identified. We are supporting the families and loved ones of each of those 17 going. On with the agreement of the families in the car and I was free of confirmed identities of those who died we will be releasing that. Number has been hit by another terrorist incident one man has died and 10 are injured after a man drove his van into a crowd of pedestrians near Finsbury Park Mosque in north London where she just left evening prayers after breaking their fast for Ramadan Fabian and Mohammed with a history of people on the floor people when they left people wanted writings caves in look