Former Bengaluru police commissioner Bhaskar Rao also said that there is a need for the safety commission to enhance the safety system in Bengaluru. | Bengaluru News
Guwahati, June 1: Former Bengaluru FC coach Naushad Moosa has joined NorthEast United FC as Indian assistant coach, head coach of the reserve team and head of youth development, the club announced on Thursday.
MOUNT LAUREL TOWNSHIP, N.J: Chris Cardillo has completed producer duties on his latest film, Called to Duty, coming to theaters June 2023. Called to Duty features strong female leads in front of, and behind, the camera in a high octane action drama movie.
Mangaluru, May 12: The Air India Express (AIE) has reduced the frequency of flights between Kuwait and Mangaluru in its summer schedule much to the disappointment of the tens of thousands of expatriates from the coastal belt of Karnataka working in the oil rich gulf nation.