it is not really a cause, it is life or death for everyone. so i think it is not really a situation where it s so valid to take sides. we need to get realistic about what is happening. and wolfgang, richard felgate doesn t see it as campaigning. clearly it is often called that. journalism. does it work? who does it convince? does it undermine objective reporting on this subject? it s really difficult to discern between journalism and activism because there is also a form ofjournalistic activism in the form of omission, of simply not covering the topic. and you could argue that a large part of the news industry is simply not covering climate change sufficiently, whether intentionally or not. but increasingly it looks conscious, because it is really hard to look away now. personally, i think that journalism should stay away from activism.
so i think it is not really a situation where it s so valid to take sides. we need to get realistic about what is happening. and wolfgang, richard felgate doesn t see it as campaigning journalism. does it work? clearly it is often called that. or does it convince? does it undermine objective reporting on this subject? it s really difficult to discern between journalism and activism because there is also a form ofjournalistic activism in the form of omission, of simply not covering the topic. and you could argue that a large part of the news industry is simply not covering climate change sufficiently, whether intentionally or not. but increasingly it looks conscious because it is really hard to look away now. personally, i think that journalism should stay away from activism. there is always the short term impact of activism because you leveraged the brand at all the trust that your news brand is built off over decades and longer,
so i think it is not really a situation where it s so valid to take sides. we need to get realistic about what is happening. and wolfgang, richard felgate doesn t see it as campaigning clearly it is often called that. does it work? or does it convince? does it undermine objective reporting on this subject? it s really difficult to discern between journalism and activism because there is also a form ofjournalistic activism in the form of omission, of simply not covering the topic. and you could argue that a large part of the news industry is simply not covering climate change sufficiently, whether intentionally or not. but increasingly it looks conscious because it is really hard to look away now. personally, i think that journalism should stay away from activism. there is always the short term impact of activism
so valid to take sides. we need to get realistic about about what s happening. okay. wolfgang blau, rich felder doesn t see his campaign in journalism. clearly, it can be. it s often called that. does it work? who does it convince? does it undermine, you know, objective reporting, if you like, on this subject? it s really difficult to discern between journalism it s really difficult to discern between journalism and activism because there is also a form ofjournalistic activism in the form of omission of simply not covering a topic. and you could argue that a large part of the news industry is simply not covering climate change sufficiently, whether that s intentionally or not. but increasingly it looks conscious because it s really hard to look away now. personally, i think that journalism should stay away from activism. there s always the short term, short term impact of activism because you leverage the brand