Diplomatic efforts to prevent Russia’s invasion of Ukraine did not prevail, and unfortunately the conflict continues. Although we don’t wish to overlook or dismiss the pain and suffering that is attendant to war, and while we hope for a quick, safe resolution.
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most likely, every time they get a paycheck, if they could automatically pay themselves first, the truth of the matter is they don t have any money. they have credit card debt, car loans, student debt, mortgage debt, and the only money they save is usually in their 401(k), their 403 b, or their military 401(k). i would tell them stop putting money in a 401(k), many businesses are offering a roth 401(k), contribute as much as you can to that, usually the match that your corporation gives. if you get into trouble, i hate when people take loans from a traditional form 10-k, because if you pay back that money, you pay taxes again when you withdraw it. never loan from a traditional.
money? how should they do it in the most effective way to capitalize on their income? most likely, every time they get a paycheck, if they could automatically pay themselves first, the truth of the matter is they don t have any money. they have credit card debt, car loans, student debt, mortgage debt, and the only money they save is usually in their 401(k), their 403 b, or their military 401(k). i would tell them stop putting money in a 401(k), many businesses are offering a roth 401(k), contribute as much as you can to that, usually the match that your corporation gives. if you get into trouble, i hate when people take loans from a traditional form 10-k, because if you pay back that money, you