forward for detroit. we have seen people say we need to attract businesses like google to come in and create thousands of jobs. we need to clear the decks and start again in a hopeful position. we ve seen leaders come out and say detroit has been in a decline for 50 years. it s time to really reset the whole thing. google should do detroit as a google fiber city. we can all agree that we feel for those retirees who are probably not going to get what they were promised. i think we can agree on that. we shouldn t have a governor fighting to go against his own constitution. you got the last word. she s good at that. well done. both of you, thank you very much indeed. want to speed up those pat downs? all you need to do is pay up. then, forget hurrah for hollywood. why the president thinks hollywood will get people saying hurrah for his health care law. really? did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age?