They block the water view and i know right to view not necessarily, but what about right to value . We pay taxes and we pay taxes on property and property is high because you have a view. Well, with this thing we will no longer have any views. And the question also is addition to solar panels under the draft motion it says, the project is desirable as in keeping with the neighborhood character of tall multiunit buildings. What about the neighborhood character that isnt next door to the building . What about the neighborhood character of People Like Us on jackson street on which there are multiple buildings that face this view . Were all affected by this one owner, one singular addition for one families. Were not talking about adding more space for families, but a penthouse for some owner who will block the view and dress decrease the value for all of us in the neighborhood. This is part of the character of the city. You cant encroach by building more and more higher and higher building
A reduction of a few few could mitigate and at the same time not unduly hinder the project for the sponsors plan. Others are materially harmed by it, so should there be some design restraint when taking away the cherished and economically valuable views of many others . Why isnt such a modest compromise in the best interest of the community . In addition to having insufficient time, insufficient notification, i would like to comment on the lack of due process. We were dumbfounded when we read the december 6th executive summary that recommends the approval of the conditional use application. How can this report be written before all sides have had an opportunity to express their comments and opinions at the hearing today . Isnt this what this hearing today is for . This is our first opportunity to speak to the city authorities on this matter, and it appears to us that its getting rammed through before affected partis can comment. For these reasons we do not feel the Planning Commission
Just an additional flash, floor, but the solar panels. You are almost looking at adding two floors, not one. They block the water view and i know right to view not necessarily, but what about right to value . We pay taxes and we pay taxes on property and property is high because you have a view. Well, with this thing we will no longer have any views. And the question also is addition to solar panels under the draft motion it says, the project is desirable as in keeping with the neighborhood character of tall multiunit buildings. What about the neighborhood character that isnt next door to the building . What about the neighborhood character of People Like Us on jackson street on which there are multiple buildings that face this view . Were all affected by this one owner, one singular addition for one families. Were not talking about adding more space for families, but a penthouse for some owner who will block the view and dress decrease the value for all of us in the neighborhood. This
Again, very adequate light and ventilation from that large light court. The room losing its window also shares light through this opening and the doors on the opening are glass. So we hope you will approve this project. We dont believe that Property Line windows are protect ed thank you very much. Thank you. Opening it up to Public Comment. I have some speaker cards. [ reading speakers names ] good evening president fong and commissioners, my name is christine i am an attorney in San Francisco and i am spoking on behalf of mr. And mrs. Flavia, who are at 1870 pacific avenue unit 505, which is the property directly being affected by the project and also speaking on behalf of mr. Bernard, who is at 1830 jackson street, who is not here tonight, and has not had an opportunity to send a letter and both partis are objecting to this project. I have some procedural objections to this. My office received the conditional use application this past monday, even though we had asked for it and there
But do you believe them . We went to the street to find out. It is very hard to believe. Did just does not happen it is on the sir or something they did on purpose smith this is from 2014 everything is recorded somewhere. They could be archived. This is the very pathetic and weak excuse. David use the cavuto for where you stand but fears of a coverup are justified. She joins us with our fox business allstars to put up the timeline showing that lois lerner is computer problems began after she was notice from congress about targeting conservatives. That was june 3rd when the chairman and sent her the notice then on june 13 reports that the hard drive had crashed then two years later that irs tells Congress Finally is and that evidence of obstruction of justice . I think the irs and the commissioner is working under the assumption that the American People are just ignoring antinafta to believe that to vacations between the collection arm of the largest economic superpower of the globe kay