i feel that i have failed her forfo fighting more due to the school board. he what the truckers are doinh to justin trudeau and let s hope it has the same effect. keepop in mind there in that meeting because the school board is ignoring a lawful court order and of course blowing off the parents they serve now the answer to all of this is really simple strip these reckless, they re monarchical powers and return this country to democracy. is that hard? victor davis hanson is a senior fellow at the hoover institutiono with him on the show. mprofessor, thanks so much for coming on . so voters got to vote on all this stuff. maybe we d have different outcomes. yeah, i think so. but i m kind of worried, tucker , that you re right omicron virus is a little bit different and this is booming boomeranging on them. what hurt trump the winner? what was good is now hurting biden and the democrats are bad, but they really changed the voting laws and they did that through court orders
cia operations officer. he thoughtug a lot about that . he joins us tonight.s brian, thanks so much forfo i think on . so this is one of those questions. i mean, look, i think ightthe public has a right to determine what it thinks of this and make that decision on the basis of all available facts. so i d just be interested in asking what you think, how close are we to an openea war with russia and what would that mean for the united states ? great questions gets worse every day. the possibility of a hot war are real and getting more real every day. lookok what i m asking american to do tonight is put aside their hatred for putin or zolensky for that matter or ukraine or russia. put allru that asidess foria. at . understand that we have in effect declared war against russia. have done three things. one , we have crippled their economy too. we are shoving in all these weapons. this hasn t gotten a lot of press. we are giving tactical intelligence to the ukrainian
0 by istanbouli ticket to seattle . netwenty seven presenting partnr usa. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight areld a lot of things going on around the world at the moment but we thought we would begin tonight with a report from oour own country just to give you something a little differentnt fromat what you ve been watching every moment of every day for the past three weeksksas on your screen are pictures fromyn brooklyn, new york . these are people waitingth in line at a food bank. the queue stretches for blocks. it s what we used to call a bread line. otst of these people are not homeless or not addicted tohe drugs. some of them have jobs they just can t afford enough food. very few living americans have ever seen anything like this . it s been nearly 100 yearses since the united states experienced widespread food shortages. that s long enough that most of us have forgotten what it means . and here s what it means. if you want to make a society volatile, not just an
for forfo for adult lungs. sarah murnaghan is home tonight. that s tonight s live look outside the beltway from special report. we ll be right back. [ male announcer] surprise you re having triplets. [ babies crying ] surprise your house was built on an ancient burial ground. [ ghosts moaning ] surprise your car needs a new transmission. [ coyote howls ] how about no more surprises? now you can get all the online trading tools you need without any surprise fees. it s not rocket science. it s just common sense. from td ameritrade. like carpools. polly wants to know if we can pick her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] .office space. yes, we re loving this communal seating. it s great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones.
we have breaking news you ll be following and other stuffs. thanks so much. see you over the weekend as well. breaking news from studio 7. i m fredricka whitfield in for suzanne malveaux. two explosions have rocked central oslo in the last hour wounding at least eight people. reports from norway say govrt buildings were targeted, one houses the prime minister s office and most of the windows were blown out. reuters reports a mangled car outside one building suggesting a possible car bomb. reuters reports the prime minister is safe. cnn is following the developments for you from london. what more do we know about how this happened and why? reporter: the information is still trickling in from oslo at this point. the police have issued a stam saying that there are deaths and injuries. that s all they re saying right now. they re not saying what may have caused this explosion or explosions at this time. according to the state television, the norwegian state television one per